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iZZaTy aZReeN
hEY...i'm izzaty azreen..u all can call me zaty... i'm juz simple.. that's all bout me.. N antything in our life..
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Thursday, March 3, 2011

8/23 – 9/22
Monday through Wednesday are your reward for weeks of doing good for the world; a sudden surge of great stuff heads your way, most likely in the form of romance and creative inspiration. Oh, happy days! Thursday and Friday aren't explicitly romantic and creative, but the effects of Monday through Wednesday last long into the week. You're still walking on air. You're perhaps even nicer to people than usual. Saturday and Sunday are confusing but in a mildly pleasant way: Sometimes it's nice to be in over your head.

8/23 – 9/22

Year 2011 Overview

2011 is all about showing Virgo the money. Being the bona fide workaholic of the zodiac, you have certainly earned your right to demand the six figures through long hours and heaps of your own blood, sweat and tears over the past several years. And you've certainly suffered enough losses and endured enough tests of faith in the financial department to prove your substance. As much as you get off on the occasional masochistic work jag, you can't help but wonder when things are going to get easier. Well hang tight Virgin, because the bonus you so desperately need and deserve should arrive between March and June of 2011. A major conglomeration of fiery planets activates your sector of other people's money, including the luckiest planet of them all -- Jupiter. If that doesn't bring some kind of windfall, loan or access to a serious line of credit you're going about your business all kinds of wrong.
You're also getting ready to shed some serious skin starting this March. With Uranus, the change god joining forces with Jupiter in your sector of psychological change: you're preparing to face some serious skeletons in your psychic closet. Rather than applying your brilliant yet critical mind in assessing other people's shortcomings, you're ready to confront your own strengths and weaknesses on a new level. This year favors the clean slate approach to all matters of self-help, renewal and transformation of your personality. You're leaving many aspects of your old self behind in order to become a better and more authentic version of who you really are.